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Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Through a pedigree, the inheritance pattern of a disease trait known as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is shown. DCM is a type of heart muscle disease that causes the ventricles to thin and stretch – growing larger. This stretching typically starts in the left ventricle, making it harder for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body (University of Pennsylvania, 2023). Dilated cardiomyopathy is due to a mutation in the lamin A/C gene on chromosome 1q22. However, mutations in many other genes have been found to cause dilated cardiomyopathy as well. These include a mutation in the LDB3 gene on 10q23, TNNT2 gene on 1q32, mutation in the TNNT2 gene on 1q32, SCN5A gene on 3p22, among others (Levitas et al., 2010). This indicates that dilated cardiomyopathy exhibits genetic heterogeneity, wherein different genes cause the same phenotype.  Based on the pedigree, the inheritance mechanism of the aforementioned trait in this family is autosomal dominant. Upon analyzing the pedigree, DCM is expressed in both heterozygous and homozygous dominant states. This indicates that at least one dominant allele is required to express the disease phenotype, a characteristic of autosomal dominant inheritance (Hanchard, 2023). This is seen in the marriage between II11 and II12, who produced III9. She has 50% chance of being heterozygous (dilated cardiomyopathy) and 50% chance of being homozygous recessive (normal). Another cue that indicates that the inheritance mechanism of the trait is autosomal dominant is the fact that it is expressed in every generation. When observing the indicated genotypes, each generation in the family has individuals who have either the homozygous dominant or heterozygous genotype who express the DCM phenotype (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). According to Schultheiss et al. (2019), dilated cardiomyopathy is diagnosed between the age of 20 to 50 years old. A large number of patients exhibit a long latent period where they are considered clinically asymptomatic. This explains why majority of the individuals in generation III and IV possibly have the disease genotype but are phenotypically normal, at present. Individuals such as III1, 3, 4, and 5 are within the age range of disease expression. If they carry the disease genotype, this may present soon or later in life. If they do not express the phenotype throughout their life, this indicates that they carry the homozygous recessive genotype and are thus normal. Other individuals such as III 9, 10, 11 and IV1 are below the onset age of disease expression. Based on the pedigree, there is a chance that they are genotypically normal. However, if they indeed have the disease genotype, this will present later in life hence, they are considered phenotypically normal at present. With this, the exact genotype of some individuals in generations II, III, and IV especially on the mother’s side of the family may be confirmed if individuals from generation III that carry the disease genotype show signs of dilated cardiomyopathy. Additionally, two affected parents are able to produce an unaffected child, which is a characteristic of autosomal dominant inheritance. For instance, I1 and I2 were able to produce an unaffected offspring, II6. Another supporting argument on the mode of inheritance of this trait is that unaffected parents produce unaffected offsprings (Ku et al., 2003). This is seen in the marriage between II9 and II10, who are both homozygous recessive, thereby producing a normal, homozygous recessive offspring, III8.  The clinical phenotype of dilated cardiomyopathy, in terms of age of presentation, clinical characteristics, and severity of the disease is heterogeneous among members of the same family. The signs and symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy may include fatigue, dyspnea during activities or while lying down, reduced ability to exercise, edema, chest pain or discomfort, as well as palpitations (National Library of Medicine, 2023). This is evident in the family members who express the trait, especially in the older generations such as those belonging to generation I. What is more alarming is that individuals with DCM may be asymptomatic for several years before the development of progressive heart failure, requiring transplantation. Arrhythmias, conduction system disorders, and sudden death are also manifestations of the disease (Lakdawala et al., 2013). Athough both sides of the family have a history of dilated cardiomyopathy, it is possible for family members in the III and IV generations to be normal. However, both families may greatly benefit from screening for DCM. For instance, the proband has 50% chance of having dilated cardiomyopathy and 50% chance of being normal. With this, screening for DCM will ensure that early diagnosis and treatment of the aforementioned disease can be done in order to avoid the development of progressive heart failure. This will potentially preserve the quality of life of family members and help them make appropriate decisions prior to possible disease expression, especially in the younger generations.  ​

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According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (2021), Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) is a form of high blood pressure that affects the arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart, which is caused by narrowed, blocked, or damaged blood vessels in the lungs; thus, the flow of blood through the lungs is hampered, requiring the right side of the heart to work more extensively to pump blood. Unfortunately, as mentioned by the same source, this can eventually lead to the weakening and enlargement of the heart, or even heart failure. The Pulmonary Hypertension Association (n.d.) reveals that depending on the underlying cause of the condition, several types of PH were identified: Group 1: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), Group 2: Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Left Heart Disease, Group 3: Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Lung Disease, Group 4: Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Chronic Blood Clots in the Lungs, and Group 5: Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Unknown Causes. In particular, Group 2: Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Left Heart Disease, also known as Pulmonary Hypertension Type 2 (PPH2), is the type of PH that runs in the paternal side of my family. The National Organization for Rare Disorders (2021), American Heart Association (2018), and Mayo Clinic (2020) reveal that Familial Pulmonary Hypertension Type 2 (PPH2) is a chronic genetic disease characterized by shortness of breath during exercise or at rest, fatigue or weakness, dizziness or fainting spells, swelling in the legs or ankles, chest pain and discomfort, enlargement of the right ventricle of the heart, bluish lips or skin, rapid or irregular heartbeat, coughing up blood, and decreased exercise tolerance. These are caused by the thickening and stiffening of the arteries in the lungs, causing problems with how the heart squeezes or relaxes, or problems with the valves on the left side of the heart. As a result, the heart may not be able to keep up with the blood that returns from the lungs, which causes a “backup” of blood that can raise the pressure in the lungs.  As explained by OMIM (n.d.), it is caused by a variety of mutations in the SMAD9 gene on chromosome 13q13. For instance, the same source indicates that researchers have identified heterozygous truncating and heterozygous missense mutations in the SMAD9 gene among PPH2 patients that were examined in their respective studies. Moreover, although it is inherited in an Autosomal Dominant Genetic Inheritance Pattern as OMIM (n.d.) suggests, it manifests Incomplete Penetrance which means that even if individuals have mutations in SMAD9, there is a chance that they do not show symptoms for the disease. Furthermore, Mayo Clinic (2021) reveals that pulmonary hypertension can also have a Variable Age Of Onset, with affected individuals often displaying symptoms from ages thirty to sixty and with an increasing risk for having the disease as a person grows older (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, n.d.). Based on the information provided above, analyzing the family pedigree chart and determining which individuals have a particular genotype can be quite trickly because the disease manifests incomplete penetrance and a variable age of onset. In other words, there might be individuals in the pedigree chart who are heterozygous for the disease but will never manifest symptoms and those that will manifest symptoms of the disease later on but are not yet showing symptoms as of now. To begin with, it is first important to understand that PPH2 has an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, which means that, by Mendelian genetics, homozygous dominant (HH) and heterozygous (Hh) individuals are supposed to be affected by the disease and those who are homozygous recessive for the disease (hh) have a normal phenotype and will not suffer from its symptoms. Looking at the family pedigree chart, there are only three individuals that were/are affected: I1, II3, and II5 (our paternal grandpa, uncle, and aunt). However, on the other side of the pedigree chart, my mother’s side of the family, no one is affected by the disease. Upon confirming through the elders (cousins of my maternal grandparents) that there is no history of PPH2 among the members of the Ruiz, Serios, Iwayan, and Canque families that were closely related to my grandparents (I3 and I4), I have speculated that my grandparents were homozygous recessive, which means that they were not affected and they were not in risk for the disease when they were alive. This assumption aligns with the current data that I have of their children and grandchildren. My mother and all of her siblings currently do not suffer from any symptom of the disease (II7, II8, II10, and II12) and so do their children (III6 to III14). This led me to believe that just like their parents, they might also be homozygous recessive; however, this same conclusion cannot be applied to me and my sister (III6 and III7). After all, some members of the paternal side of our family have/had PPH2. To confirm the assumption that the members of the third generation of the maternal side of my family (aside from me and my sister) have homozygous recessive genotypes, I asked my aunt and uncle-in-laws if they have a history with PPH2 in their families. All of them replied that they do not have / did not have family members who suffer / suffered from the disease. This implies that indeed, all of the members of the third generation of the maternal side of our family may really have homozygous recessive genotypes. Moreover, to determine the genotype of IV3, I asked III10, our cousin-in-law (IV3’s mother), if she had a family member from the last three generations of her family who had PPH2. She replied that she did not know of any member who has/had the disease. This is why I assigned her the homozygous recessive genotype as well, which means that IV3 has a homozygous recessive genotype and is not, in any way, at risk of acquiring PPH2. To recap, my maternal grandparents both have homozygous recessive genotypes, which means that their children will have 100% chance of having homozygous recessive genotypes as well. Upon the confirmation that my aunt- and uncle-in-laws have homozygous recessive genotypes, I assumed that their children will have 100% chance of having homozygous recessive genotypes as well. And finally, after contacting my cousin-in-law and determining that she has a homozygous recessive genotype, I concluded that she and my cousin will have a child with a homozygous recessive genotype because they both have homozygous recessive genotypes. On the other hand, as I have mentioned earlier, three family members that belong to my paternal side of the family have/had the disease. I have also mentioned that determining their genotypes may be challenging because of the disease’s incomplete penetrance and the variable age of onset among those who are affected. However, in cracking puzzles like ones provided by pedigree analysis, one must start assessing the genotypes of the ones in the oldest generation. Since my grandfather (I1) had PPH2, I assumed that he either had an HH or Hh phenotype. Currently, I have no means of identifying whether he had an HH or an Hh genotype because my family does not have any data about my grandfather’s parents, especially regarding whether both, just one, or none of them were affected by the disease. (My grandfather survived the Japanese occupation in the Philippines and he was the only survivor in his family. He was captured and tortured by Japanese soldiers but he eventually escaped. He travelled on foot to Victorias City from Murcia and he was only able to bring with him photos of his mother and brother.). Moreover, to determine the genotype of my paternal grandmother (I2), I asked my grandma’s niece if she knew any of my grandmother’s relatives who had the disease and she said that she does not know of anyone in their family who had it; therefore, I assumed that my paternal grandmother has a homozygous recessive phenotype. This means that if I1 has a homozygous dominant genotype, then there is a 100% chance that I1 and I2’s child will have a heterozygous genotype and may be affected by the disease; however, if he has a heterozygous genotype, then it is expected that 50% of their children will have the heterozygous genotype and the other 50% will have the homozygous genotype. Both the results of the possible crosses of my paternal grandparents  are in concordance with the observed conditions of their children, granting that two of whom (II3 and II5) have PPH2 while the other two do not show symptoms for it. Very simply, one can say that the I1 and I2 may have had heterozygous and homozygous recessive genotypes, respectively because their children are 50% affected and 50% normal; however, PPH2 does not work directly in that way. Remember that it has incomplete penetrance and a variable age of onset among the affected, which means that heterozygote individuals may not suffer from the disease or s/he may suffer from the disease later in life. Therefore, basing on the results of the crosses between I1 and I2 and the fact that PPH2 manifests incomplete penetrance and variable age of onset among the affected, I can say that the affected children, II3 and II5, have heterozygous genotypes while those who currently do not show any type of symptom are either heterozygous or homozygous recessive individuals.    To begin addressing the concerns raised by my sister, I am going to first identify the genotype of one of our nieces, IV1. For the paternal side of the family, I have also asked my aunt- and cousin-in-laws (II2, II4, III3, and III5) if their families had a history with PPH2 to which they answered that they did/do not have any family member in the past or right now who have the said disease. Therefore, I assigned the homozygous recessive phenotype to all of them. Thus, IV1’s grandfather, II1, who is either heterozygous or homozygous dominant, is crossed to II2, who has a homozygous recessive genotype. Thus, their children (III1 and III2) must also have either homozygous recessive or heterozygous genotypes. Since IV1’s mother is III2 and her father is III3, who has a homozygous recessive genotype, then sadly, she may have a heterozygous genotype, which means that she may have PPH2. Fortunately, she still has a chance of having a homozygous recessive genotype, thanks to her homozygous recessive father and a recessive allele from her mother. Secondly, our other niece, IV2, has a grandfather, II3, who has a heterozygous genotype and a grandmother, II4, who has a homozygous recessive genotype, then her father, III4, can either have a homozygous recessive or heterozygous genotype. When crossed with her mother, III5, who has a homozygous recessive genotype, then the child that they will have can either have a homozygous recessive or heterozygous genotype.  This means that IV2 is also at risk of having PPH2 but there is still a chance that she will not have the disease. Finally, my sister’s concern whether we (III6 and III7) are at risk of having PPH2 as well can be addressed by looking at our father’s genotype. Based on the analysis of our paternal grandparents’ possible genotypes, it was revealed that our father (II6) may either have a homozygous recessive or heterozygous genotype, which means that paired with our mother (II7) who has a homozygous recessive genotype, we are still at risk of having PPH2 because we can either have a homozygous recessive or heterozygous genotype. Although this information may make my sister feel that we are unfortunate, I would tell her that luckily, there might be a chance that, even if we are indeed heterozygotes, we will not be affected by the disease because of its incomplete penetrance. Moreover, as revealed by Ghofrani et al. (2017); Rabinovitch (2012), and Thakur et al. (2020), while genetic factors may largely contribute to the development of PPH2, it is not solely caused by gene mutations. To explain, the same authors stated that several studies reveal that various environmental factors such as, but not limited to, exposure to smoking, high altitude, occupational dust, and air pollution can increase one’s likelihood of developing PH2, especially those who may have a predisposition to the disease based on his/her genes. In addition, Simonneau et al. (2019) reveal that comorbidities like sleep apnea, pulmonary embolism, and obesity may also contribute to disease development and progression. For instance, in a study by Thakur et al. (2020) that investigated the association between environmental factors and PPH2 in India, it was revealed that high exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution is significantly associated with an increased risk of having the disease. This is also supported by Rabinovitch (2012) who concluded that although genetic susceptibility plays a large role in disease pathogenesis, it is not the sole cause of PPH2. In other words, while genetic factors may contribute to the development of PPH2, it is a complex disease influenced by various environmental and lifestyle factors as well. Therefore, I would tell my sister that since there might be a chance that we will have the disease (as revealed through the pedigree analysis), then it would be better to make sure that we take good care of ourselves and live a healthy lifestyle so as to, as much as possible, decrease our chances of having the disease. The same advice can be given to our cousin and cousin-in-laws so that as soon as possible, they can start raising our nieces through methods that will ensure that they will grow as healthy as possible.

Pulmonary Hypertension
Type 2 

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Premature Canities 

MYP, often known as nearsightedness, is a visual problem where people can see up-close items well, while distant objects seem blurry. As a concern for global public health, it is the most prevalent refractive defect in the human eye and is known to increase one’s risks of more severe eye diseases (Mayo Clinic, 2022; Wang et al., 2021). This happens if the cornea, which is the transparent front surface of the eye, is overly curved or the eyeball is too long rather than rounded. As a result, distant things appear blurry since the light entering the eye is not properly refracted and thus, focus is not happening in the retina. There is strong evidence to suggest that many people inherit MYP. Increased chance of having MYP will occur if one or both parents are also affected by it (American Optometric Association, 2021). While it is widely recognized that environmental factors can introduce risks to the development of MYP, for purposes of this discussion, inheritance mechanisms will be the ones further dwelled on, including how it does indeed align with the one observed in the family. As an acting genetic counselor, I sought the help of the website, Online Mendelian Inheritance Mechanism (OMIM), to determine the inheritance pattern of nearsightedness. It was found that MYP (specifically 2, 3, 5-7, 11, 12, 14-17, 19-22, 24, 25, and 27) was inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Contrary to an autosomal recessive inheritance pedigree, there will be no one who will simply be a carrier. Only diseases inherited in a recessive manner, which require two copies of the faulty gene to manifest phenotypically, can have a carrier. With that, those not affected by MYP have homozygous recessive genotypes mm (BYJU’S, 2022). In general, when one parent manifests MYP, there is a possibility that all children might have the disease (children of I-3 & I-4 and II-13 & 14) or even none of the children will develop MYP (children of II-9 & II-10; II-11 & II-12; and III-8 & III-9). Furthermore, there are also cases where only some are affected while some are not (children of I-1 & I-2; II-3 & II-4; and II-5 & II-6). This is because there is a 50% chance that each child will manifest it if one of the parents has the heterozygous genotype Mm and the other parent is not affected. This is the case seen in most of the aforementioned couples and their children, yet I-3 and II-14 have the possibility of having the homozygous genotype MM since all their children are affected. Moreover, also observable in the pedigree is the fact that children of parents both affected by the disease can still have a child who is not affected by the phenotype (children of II-7 & II-8). Most likely, both parents possess the heterozygous genotype Mm, where phenotypically, their child might have a 75% chance of being affected while there is likewise a 25% chance of a child being not. Nevertheless, once both parents are not affected and thus possess the homozygous recessive genotype mm, all of their children will also not be affected (children of II-1 & II-2; III-12 & III-13; III-14 & III-15; and III-17 & III-18). Therefore, the observed phenotypes do indeed align with and can be explained by autosomal dominant inheritance. There have been reports of autosomal dominant myopia by Franceschetti (1953) & Francois (1961). According to Francois (1961), myopia is usually passed down through four generations in the family. MYP can be seen prevalent in generations I, II, and III, yet there was so far no prevalence of MYP in the fourth generation, and being tested for at least a year from now. However, knowing that MYP stabilizes between ages 20 to 30, we cannot be entirely sure in IV-1, 2, and 3, knowing that their mother, III-9, is affected by it (The Eye Institute for Medicine and Surgery, n.d.). Nevertheless, Franceschetti (1953) reported 10 cases within the four generations in different families within different populations. In the pedigree chart, there are a total of 15 cases, including II-7 and II-8 and their biological relatives (and thus that of the children as well). Myopic parents raised the likelihood that the child would simply develop MYP. In multivariate analysis, increased levels of certain activities that are known to increase one's risk of developing MYP still did not affect the likelihood of developing it, especially among young children (Ip et al., 2007). This is aligned with a study conducted by Wang (2021), which dealt with MYP among a population in China and it was discovered that MYP prevalence is higher when parents also have MYP. By inheriting the genes in the said refractive error, it increases one’s susceptibility to developing such. MYP is influenced by environmental influences, but the genetic component is more clear, particularly for high-grade MYP. In fact, according to Hwang et al. (2019), the heritability of MYP in the South Korean population was 68.9%. Due to diverse population samples and measurement techniques, the heritability rate differs throughout locations. However, all the findings in studies where it studies dealt with both families in different populations and likewise families from a single population indicate that genetic factors play a role in the development of myopia and were consistent with autosomal dominance (Cai et al., 2019)

Hair pigmentation is regulated by the production of melanin at the hair follicles and keratinocytes transfer in the hair shaft. Hair color results from the combined effect of various genes coding for the production of melanin in the body. Two types of melanin precursors, namely eumelanin and pheomelanin, are produced in the body and the levels of these pigments affect the color expression of the hair. Mainly, the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene is responsible for the darkness and lightness of pigment being produced, wherein an activation of the receptor triggers a signaling cascade that leads to stimulation of the production of the dark pigment eumelanin while inactivation of the MC1R triggers the production of pheomelanin causing light and red pigment, thus, a blond hair.  On the other hand, greying of hair is a result of the downregulation of the genes responsible for melanocyte stem cell maintenance, migration, and differentiation. Specifically, these genes include microphthalmia-associated transcription factor - M (MITF-M), SOX10, PAX3,  tyrosine related protein-1 (TRP-1), and tyrosinase (TYR) genes. Low transcription of these genes affects the migration of melanocyte stem cells causing the hair follicle to weather and degrade leading to the loss of pigmentation. Greying of hair is associated naturally with aging as melanocytes start to degrade and the transfer of melanosomes is hindered due to weathering of the hair shaft and aging of the hair follicles. Specifically, during the anagen phase, wherein hair is supposed to be actively pigmented, there is a marked reduction in melanogenically active melanocytes in the hair follicles due to autophagolysosomal degeneration, resulting in the loss of pigment. On natural occasions, canities is observed by the age of 34 ± 9.6 years old in Caucasians, 43.9 ± 10.3 years old in Afro-Americans, and by 50 years old in the general population. Early onset of canities, also referred to as premature graying of hair, is considered when loss of pigment occurs before the age of 20 for Caucasians, 25 for Asians, and 30 for Africans. Graying of hair is usually progressive and permanent with occasional reports of repigmentation. The exact etiopathogenesis of premature canities remains vague and extensive molecular research on its pathology is still ongoing in order to understand its occurrence and its possible association with disorders and diseases. Independent occurrence of premature canities is observed to be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. In this mode of inheritance, expression of the trait does not skip a generation and at least one parent is required for an offspring to be affected also. Two affected parents can have up to 25% chance of having an unaffected child while in the case wherein both parents are unaffected, an unaffected offspring will be born. Following this inheritance pattern, the occurrence of premature greying of hair is observed in our family, specifically from my father’s side, wherein multiple cases of premature greying are observed in his siblings and one of his parent.  In contrast, such a trait was not observed in my mother and her mother. Due to a complicated family history, my mom was not able to meet her dad, and thus, I cannot confirm his genotype. My mom and my grandmother are unaffected by the trait, they carry a homozygous recessive genotype. My father, being heterozygote, carries the gene and thus, he is affected. Upon interviewing, the first onset of his grey hairs was observed during his high school years, in his early teens. The same was observed for his siblings, while the age at which grey hairs appeared in one of his brothers was not confirmed as our uncle died in an accident many years ago. However, my father and aunt's statements mentioned the occurrence of such a trait in their brother. Given the inheritance of this trait, it is presumed that at least one of my father’s parents is affected by the trait.  I also have three cousins with the said trait with its occurrence ranging from the early teens to the twenties. Likewise, I and my siblings were observed with premature greying of our hair as early as our elementary years and during high school for my brother. One cousin of mine did not inherit this trait and her husband was also clear of such a trait, so with the trait’s inheritance, their son could not have the trait and is recessive. On the other hand, with one of my uncles marrying an affected woman, their children were also affected but their genotypes cannot be confirmed as there is a 25% chance that they might be homozygous and a 50% chance of them being a heterozygote. Meanwhile, the genotypes of the kids of these cousins of mine cannot be assumed until the appearance of premature grey hairs is observed or tested.  The occurrence of premature loss of pigmentation may be associated with many disease risk factors, according to multiple studies. Specifically, the premature occurrence of grey hairs is associated as a sign of a medical issue such as autoimmune disorders like pernicious anemia and hypo- or hyperthyroidism, vitiligo, and premature aging disorders. High correlations with cardiovascular diseases, especially coronary artery disease, were also reported in many studies. A study, specifically, revealed the association of premature greying as a risk marker for coronary artery disease among young smokers. Similarly, a high whitening score of hairs is observed in patients with coronary artery disease, which concludes as a potential predictor of the said disease, independent of the patient’s chronological age. In addition, rapid and earlier progression in the appearance of grey hairs is linked with alcoholism, nutrient deficiency (e.g. vit. B12 and D3), oxidative stress, and exposure to UV radiation. Repigmentation was reported in a few cases with drug treatments, continuous nutrient and antioxidant intake, and hormone therapy for cases involved specifically with thyroid complications. Often, most prefer to go with hair dyes as a temporary solution, although some products may contain oxidative components that may worsen hair damage.  Given the risk and issues that may be associated with premature greying, I think it is important to take note of the occurrence of the trait as this may imply a link with a medical issue. It is also important to remind families with the trait, such as mine, of the risks related to cardiovascular diseases and the progression factors that can influence the early and rapid onset of the trait. This is a reminder for my family and me to be mindful of our lifestyle always, not just in order to achieve full and healthy hair but for the purpose of taking care of our bodies in general. In the end, it will still be us that are responsible for ourselves and our decisions may affect those of the younger generations that will follow us.



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