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Games and Interactives



Searching for the best tools and interactive learning materials about Genetics?


Learn Genetics is a compilation of informative and interactive games, tools, along with certain learning materials regarding the different topics of Biology including Genetics, Cell biology, Plants, Ecology, as well as virtual laboratory guide on PCR laboratory methods, and Neuroscience.

Blood Typing 

Blood types, what are blood types? Find out more with the Blood Typing Game!


The blood typing game is a virtual educational interactive game with the objective to educate and learn the basics about the human blood types as well as its importance upon saving lives performing a safe blood transfusion. Players are required to save their patient in urgent need of blood transfusion to be evaluated at the end of the game.


Create a 
DNA Fragment

Want to know the secret behind our fingerprints? Find out now!


Our DNA is what makes us unique thus, making DNA fingerprinting possible in which scientists and experts are able to determine and identify crime suspects. DNA Fingerprint game is a virtual educational crime solving mystery game where players are tasked to create a DNA fingerprint and compare it to all seven suspects.

Phylo DNA

Genetic sequencing, the fundamental technique of mankind. Learn more now!


Phylo DNA Puzzle is a virtual game with the objective to sequence and align DNA sequences as a fundamental and powerful technique in molecular Biology aiming to harness the computing power of mankind to solve multiple sequence alignment problems.



Population Genetics Fishpond is a virtual interactive simulation of koi fishes in a pond depicting changes in population along with the evolutionary mechanisms from genetic drift, migration, mutation, selection, and non-random mating. The interactive simulation is ideal upon understanding the mechanism of population genetics allowing the user to observe the frequencies of two alleles over time.

Sim Life

Create new life forms, introduce them to a planet’s ecosystem, and watch them flourish or become extinct.

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