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The Phenomenon of Disappearing Men

Written by: Elizabeth Fernandez

Photo from: vchal/Shutterstock


Once upon a time the skies rained men but with record breaking temperatures, and bouts of heat waves hitting different corners of the world, a drought seems to have hit where it matters most—the Y chromosome. 


Males in most mammals, including humans, have a unique set of sex chromosomes consisting of one X and one Y chromosome, whereas females have two X chromosomes. The Y chromosome is in charge of the development of male traits and is essential for male fertility. However, investigations have revealed that the Y chromosome is rapidly deteriorating and disappearing.


Because of its unique genetic structure, the Y chromosome is susceptible to mutation and degeneration. The Y chromosome is inherited only from the father, as opposed to the X chromosome, which is acquired from both parents. As a result, it has fewer opportunities for recombination and repair, leaving it more susceptible to genetic mistakes.


Over time, the Y chromosome has lost numerous genes that were once important for male development and fertility. The Y chromosome has been degenerating for millions of years, and predictions suggest that it will vanish totally in the future.


Scientists have discovered that the loss of genes on the Y chromosome is not random, but rather follows a specific pattern. Male fertility genes, such as those required for sperm production, are vanishing at a quicker rate than those that are not required for fertility. The continuous loss of genes that regulate male fertility appears to be causing a drop in human male sperm quality and count.


This Y chromosome degradation event has profound consequences for the future of human evolution. With the eventual extinction of the Y chromosome, it may be difficult to generate healthy male offspring, which could have serious ramifications for our species. Other experts have proposed that Y chromosome degradation may possibly result in the emergence of a whole separate sex-determining mechanism.


Nonetheless, some biologists believe that the loss of the Y chromosome is part of an evolutionary trade-off. They believe that as males developed to have fewer children, the loss of the Y chromosome's genes was a natural result. The truth remains, however, that Y chromosome degradation is a real and continuous process that evolution must deal with.


In the end, the deterioration and loss of the Y chromosome is a key evolutionary event with important ramifications for human biology. Although some scientists believe that humans will evolve a new sex-determining mechanism in the future, the loss of the Y chromosome's key genes may also result in a decrease in male fertility. As a result, it is critical to continue investigating the structure and function of the Y chromosome in order to better understand its significance in human biology and evolution.


[1] Bachtrog D. (2013). Y-chromosome evolution: emerging insights into processes of Y-chromosome degeneration. Nature reviews. Genetics, 14(2), 113–124.

[2] Charlesworth, B., & Charlesworth, D. (2000). The degeneration of Y chromosomes. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 355(1403), 1563–1572.

[3] Wilson, J., Staley, J. M., & Wyckoff, G. J. (2020, February 7). Extinction of chromosomes due to specialization is a universal occurrence. Scientific Reports, 10(1).



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