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What is your relationship with the patient? How did you feel when you knew that she was diagnosed with breast cancer?


Leilani, the concerned individual is my aunt. She’s my mom’s older sister. Back when I was about 7 years old, I didn't know she had cancer. I just noticed her hair because she was wearing a wig. I asked everyone in the family what happened to her, they told me about her condition but they told me not to worry because she’s a fighter and a survivor.

What challenges do you face as a parent of someone with breast cancer? How do you over-come these challenges?

Well, cancer is one of the most brutal sicknesses that one can go through. My aunt underwent chemotherapy for years and it is a process that repairs and destroys her at once because the side effects make her want to give up the fight but at the same time I admire her bravery. She has been dealing with breast cancer for almost 30 years already.

How do you manage the emotional and physical difficulties of providing care for a person with breast cancer?

It hurts seeing a loved one have to endure cancer. I did not expect that i’ll be the one of those people who gets to experience this. My aunt and mom have breast cancer. I was able to witness them and other patients inside the chemo room. You could actually feel their agony. You could see the devastation on their faces. But I remained positive because I know God will never abandon them.

In retrospect, what knowledge or experience do you wish you had gained before you became responsible for the care of your relative? Why?

I wish I was strong enough to handle these situations. I wish I was able to know more about cancer back then so that I can provide information to my aunt and other relatives about cancer.

What do you want people to know, particularly those who have a loved one with breast cancer?

Cancer can be fought. One’s chances of recovery are much higher when diagnosed and treated at an earlier stage. There are a lot of ways that you can seek assistance for your medications, don’t hesitate to call and ask for help.

What is your message and advice to someone whose loved one is suffering from breast cancer?

Never lose hope. This life is worth the struggle. Your future self is pleading with you to stay. You are more than your thoughts. You are more than your fears and stronger than you give yourself credit for. When you wanted to disappear you stayed time and time again. You can make it through anything. You will get through this too. Prayer works.

- Clarissa Rose Parcon

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